• Teachers may give a list of items which can be found locally, such as notebooks and folders.
  • Only students enrolled in the native, or advanced level Portuguese should buy Portuguese books. Interview/testing for placement into a level of Portuguese will take place during New Student Orientation. These books and dictionaries can be bought locally after placement.
  • We recommend that you purchase your books through Livro Fácil, our school book store. However, students can purchase their books on their own, except those units that provide multiple book choices.  Please pay careful attention to the ISBN Number to ensure you get the same copy/edition as all other students.

English 9
Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare (ISBN 978-1451621709)
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (ISBN 978-0061120084)
Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (ISBN 978-0399501487)

Portuguese 9 / PAL 9  
(For native or advanced Portuguese speakers only)

Venha Ver o Pôr do Sol e Outros Contos de Lygia Fagundes Telles (ISBN 978-85-08108015) VACATION READ
Contos escolhidos de Machado de Assis (ISBN 978-85-7232-466-3)
O Bem-Amado de Dias Gomes (ISBN 978-85-28614794)
50 Poemas de Revolta de Vários Autores (ISBN 978-85-359-3016-0)